Live Dairy Auctions

Lot 12. 2 Embryos

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This is a traditional English auction.
Total units
2 embryos.
All bid amounts are per embryo.
Custom offer
Lot description

100% fullblood Wagyu embryos
• EMW Himawari is a beautiful strong muscled, long bodied and well developed 100% fullblood Wagyu from the finest orginal Japanese bloodlines
• She is having legendary bulls in her pedigree such as her grand sire Hiroshigetayasu 001, World K's Michifuku, World K's Sanjirou and from a deep maternal line going back on the Japanese Import Cow CHR Kikuhanihime FB3311, bred by Takeda Farms Japan. This is the Enzokintou maternal bloodline, which also produced Mayura Itoshigenami Jnr, Coates Iteshigenami G113 and many other breed leading sires and donors.

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Sire: Olive Grove Q45
Dam: MW Himawari AA-9 / BB

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